This was an absolutely fascinating new perspective.

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Thank you for reading :)

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Agreed! Truly appreciate your efforts Vincent. You are unravelling the very threads of the addiction myth using evidence based facts all well referenced & confirmed truth.

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While in NYC in December 2021 at the New York Academy of Medicine I had an opportunity to talk with Carl Hart & Matt Johnson together briefly. As I was sharing my experiences I noted how Carl kept looking at me quizzically whenever I used the word Addiction. He looked at me & said, “brother I don’t know about that term you keep using in relation to your experience with drugs, but I empathize with the hardships you’ve endured at the hands of law enforcement & the judicial system”. He was pushing me to dig deeper into what the term actually means and why we’ve accepted use of it. That was a HUGE eye opener for me.

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Addiction is being used as an excuse to green light medical torture RIGHT NOW and the abandoned pain patients that haven’t committed suicide are doing everything we can to bring attention to this but we need HELP so bad. In order to clear the way for the Litigation Narrative to do its work every institution of advocacy people in pain had was torn down by congressional investigations used to label them “pharma shills.” The physician most known for pioneering the use of opioids for hundreds of different conditions that caused life long chronic pain was threatened with indictment if he didn’t publicly reverse himself-Russell Portenoy-surprise he capitulated. Since the pharmaceutical lawsuits began to pick up steam, medicine has been working hard to remove treatment of pain from its purview-we’ve proof of thousands of suicides of people who were stable on opioids for pain for decades who were just cut off & abandoned, thus suffering excruciating pain & loss of faculties. We’ve recorded 4 different post-surgical patients who murdered their surgeons after begging for pain relief for days after surgery & being denied...it’s a HORROR show. The volume of physicians raided by DEA is out of control, most of them are never even charged but still lose their reputation, practices assets and licenses.

The attorneys famous (and wealthy) from pioneering the tobacco lawsuits, after first donating to their campaigns across the country, shopped their novel legal theory to go after pharmaceutical companies like tobacco to state AGs as a means to refill the dwindling tobacco settlement coffers...investigative reporting of this scheme won the NYT a Pulitzer Prize in the lead up to the MDL over opioids.

I probably sound like a lunatic but it gets much worse than this and it’s very difficult to know how to start the discussion even w/those who should be receptive-you should also know I remarked on a different post with the studies & a podcast w/David Nutt that show opioids are NOT dopaminergic agents-that theory of addiction was developed only from studies of stimulants, but when it was discovered this was not a mechanism evident in opioid use NIDA etc...just ignored it. The dopamine theory of addiction was used in the pharmaceutical lawsuits as well but hey...no one gives a shit about the truth these days...I’d just like to see medicine stop going backwards and disabled/elderly/veterans-my FRIENDS-stop being tortured.


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